Health Benefits of Fruits

Many foods and beverages that we consume daily that contains various nutrition. Diligent consuming tropical fruits will nourish our bodies.

According to Susan Clarks in his book What Really Works for Kids - The Insiders Guide for Mums and Dads, papaya fruit contains many substances papain, a digestive enzyme that helps break down proteins that can not be digested. The content of enzyme, also helps break down plaque that accumulate on the teeth, preventing cavities.

In addition it also helps remove excess mucous that helps overcome a runny nose. Efficacious as vermicidal, lethal intestinal parasites, so potent to prevent intestinal worms.
Other compounds that contain compounds carpaine, one phythochemical, that experts say prevent cancer.

Bananas can also strengthen the stomach lining helps reduce kolestreol and as a natural antibiotik that can help protect from infection. Bananas are giving half the size of the RDA of potassium is essential for blood pressure and heart healthy.
Also contains Vitamin B6 which can help to regulate hormones and relieve abdominal pain before menstruation; as a probiotic in the body that builds and helps to keep bacteria levels down digestion and bacterial pathogens that interfere with digestion.

Apples contain a bioflavonoid called quercetin which can protect the lungs from cigarette smoke. Research in Beijing proves the family who regularly receive a number of quercetin in the diet, 20% less cancer.
Based on the book other treatment apples contain natural pectin that can inhibit the absorption of fat, reduce cravings. Eating three apples a day to lose weight three pounds a week. An apple contains antioxidants and 1500 mg of vitamin C that causes ranging from wrinkle-free radicals and heart disease and make the youth.

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme anti-inflammtory to relieve inflammation in the digestive tract; contain manganese which enzymes digest proteins separately, as antibiotics and treatment of infection. Pineapple juice is the source viatmain C and contain bromelain may help reduce bruising.

Citrus fruit commonly known as a source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system; contain folacin, for the formation of oxygen-carrying red blood cells; contain pectin and soluble fiber slows absorption of food that can remove toxins in the body; efficacious in preventing skin cancer thanks to oil.

Watermelon is one group with melon, cucumber; overcome peninbunan fluid just before menstruation; low in calories and better at eating fruit because of its own as quickly digested in the gut; contain vitamin C, beta caroten and potassium which have an important role in the nervous system, heart , muscle, kidney and circulatory system. Potassium helps clear the brain so good as a snack for the children before the exam.


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