Can I drink alcohol on the raw food diet?

Healthy with Fruits and Vegetables Recipes.Sharing all things related to health, Benefit of fruits, herbs and vegetables. Traditional and Modern Recipes included Vegetarian Recipe, how to manufacture and maintain health naturally.Health is more valuable than treasures

Q Can I drink alcohol on the raw food diet? Or would that be counterproductive?

A Yes, you can, but in my opinion that would be very foolish. The way alcohol works on the body is by blocking the availability of oxygen and causing the death of brain cells. Alcohol is used in laboratories to preserve dead organic matter like body parts. If you’re into health enough to try the raw food diet why on earth would you want to poison your body with alcohol? Alcohol is a toxin and poison that leads to premature aging, impotence, and cancer with long term use.

Also of note is that if you’ve already started on the raw diet and have done significant cleansing your body may react very negatively to even a small dose of alcohol.

Believe me, when you become healthy through the raw diet you won’t even miss having a drink, especially when you think about the havoc it wreaks on your body.


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