Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Tips | On Stopping Smoking

There are many ways you can do to help yourself to quit smoking, such as making hand stays busy munching carrots, deep breath in the fresh air, drinking water, or give a gift to yourself.

Here are some ways you can do to stop smoking and not returning to the original habit forever.

1. Record your progress. When you try to quit smoking gradually but steadily, you have to do is specify when you would actually leave the cigarettes. record every cigarette you smoke wherever and in whatever circumstances, the suggestion of Don R. Powell, Ph.D. president of the American Institute for Preventive Medicine in Farmingto Hills, Michigan, who is also a former smoker. This will help you identify situations that cause you to smoke and then specify alternative behaviors to replace smoking.

2. Hold your wishes. If you stop smoking gradually, each time you feel the urge to smoke 'light it wait five minutes before', said Dr. Powell. After several days, extend the delay is up to 10 minutes. A few days later, again extended to 15 minutes, and so on. "You will find that the urge to smoke the longer it will increasingly disappear" he said.

3. Find help. Whether you want to stop suddenly or gradually by slowly reducing many cigarettes you smoke, it would be nice if there are people who provide support. With the support of some people, the result will be different. Ask for support from friends and family, or from associations which both want to quit smoking.

4. Drinking orange juice. The most difficult part of the way to stop immediately and thoroughly, the most popular (but not the best guarantee of success), is when you have to cope with the reactions due to the loss of nicotine intake, and this can last for one or two weeks. But you will more easily cope with such reactions irritability, anxiety, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping due to cessation of nicotine intake that much faster if you drink lots of orange juice during the period. That's because the orange juice makes your urine more acidic, so more quickly expel nicotine from your body, said Thomas Cooper, DDS, a researcher with nicotine dependence and oral health science professor at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

In addition orange flavor in the mouth can make you feel that cigarettes are not bad. However, when you stop smoking with the aid of gum or patches containing nicotine from your doctor, avoid drinking orange juice and other acidic drinks, because the drugs that you want the nicotine stays in your system.

5. Imagine that you have the flu. Before giving gum or patches contain nicotine, there are doctors who usually ask patients who want to quit smoking in order to imagine that they're sick flu.

According to Douglas E Jorenby, coordinator of clinical activities at the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, this dependence symptoms similar to flu. Your irritability, difficulty concentrating, lethargy. And just as the flu, not much you can do except wait until subside by itself. But you will be able to pass it. As long as you do not give up and go back to the original habit, dependence of reaction it will disappear in a week or two weeks. "

6. Stay away from bars and cafes. The biggest temptation to smoke again is when you go to a bar or cafe, said Dr. Jorenby. "For many people, if one hand holding a drink, my other hand to hold the cigarette. Hence it away from the first bar or cafe for at least the first two weeks after quitting smoking." On the contrary, frequently going to the library, places of worship, and other public places that prohibit smoking. "People who quit smoking do not have to swear not going to the bar or the cafe again, but based on our experience, the place is inviting high risk for you, unless you have overcome the desire to smoke."

7. Write a letter to his beloved wife. When you attack the nicotine addiction instead of taking cigarettes and lighters, lift the pen and write letters to your wife that explain why smoking is very important in your life, said Robert Van de Castle, 'Ph.D., professor emeritus at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville. In the letter, try to explain why you continue the habit despite knowing that it will reduce your age and may not be able to watch your son graduate from college, marriage or other important events.

Signs of Pregnancy

Maybe it's a lot of you who know what it is pregnant, but not a few who do not know or understand less about the signs of pregnancy. What I mean, the signs of pregnancy here is what happened when a woman is pregnant or will become pregnant before.

To say a woman was pregnant, it is necessary to first test against subjective and objective data found on the woman. Subjective data means anything that is felt or experienced by women who are pregnant or are often referred with symptoms of pregnancy while data objectively is something that can be observed by others in a woman who is pregnant or is often termed a sign of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy itself is divided into a sign of pregnancy is uncertain and surely a sign of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms Uncertain:

* Not the first menstruation is a symptom that is felt by a woman who realizes that she is pregnant. It is important to note the date of the first day of last period to determine gestational age and estimated date of birth. Simple formula to determine the birth date being the date plus seven minus three, while the month, calculated from the first date of last menstruation.

* Nausea with vomiting followed or not often happen in the first month of pregnancy.

* Cravings or want something that good food, drinks or other things.

* Disturbance to defecate due to hormonal influences.

* Often urine particularly if the pregnancy is large.

* Sometimes a pregnant woman can pass out in the crowd, especially in the early months of pregnancy.

* There is no appetite, may have something to do with nausea.

Pregnancy Signs Uncertain:

* Changes in skin color became darker than ever before that happened above approximately 12 weeks into pregnancy.

* Leucorrhea or excessive discharge from the vagina due to hormonal influences.

* Swollen gums, especially during the first month of pregnancy.

* Changes in the breast become more strained and enlarged.

* Enlarging abdomen especially apparent after 14 weeks of pregnancy.

* Pregnancy tests give positive results.

Surely signs of Pregnancy:

* At the palpability of the fetal abdomen and felt the fetus move.

* When tuned using the Doppler fetal heartbeat sounds.

* On fetal ultrasound viewed picture.

* The X-ray examination of the fetus looks picture frame.

Perhaps you are still confused, why is called a symptom or sign of pregnancy is uncertain, it is because in women who have symptoms or signs of pregnancy, there is still uncertainty over the possibility of experiencing symptoms or abnormalities that give the same sign. For example, in women with pseudosiesis (who really wants pregnant women) then the above symptoms of pregnancy will also She felt, even though she is not pregnant.

Tips | How To Treat Acne Naturally

For those of you who have not read Eliminate Acne Tips and How To Treat Acne Naturally, or who have not read Tips Eliminate blackheads, please read this article too.

Hopefully helpful:
  1. Clean face at least twice a day with a mild cleanser. Use pH-balanced cleanser that does not contain too many chemicals or perfume.
  2. Do not hold the face too often, especially when your hands are dirty. One cause of the appearance of pimples because the skin is exposed to bacteria from the outside, like the one in your hand.
  3. Avoid the squeeze pimples. Attached bacteria on the hands or tools that are not sterile, it will leave scars on the face.
  4. Cleaning the face with steam or hot water every month or two weeks. It is good to open the pores and remove dirt in the face of the left.
  5. Should not prevent acne from the outside only. Prevention of acne can also avoid foods such as fast food, caffeine or food containing salt. Foods that contain lots of fiber such as vegetables and fruits is very good for the body and provide nutrients to the skin so the skin will be healthy and avoid acne.
  6. Learn the foods that can cause acne that you can avoid.
  7. Avoid stress, because the hormone produced when the body's stress can also trigger the appearance of acne on the face.
  8. Adequate and regular sleep.Leather is also just like us, need a break. So get used to a sufficient and regular sleep. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and remove harmful racun2 so that when we wake up the next day we'll come back refreshed skin.
  9. Frequently eat vegetables and fruit. Vegetables contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand to eat vegetables or fruits, especially those containing vitamin E. With healthy skin, the acne will be difficult to grow and develop.
  10. Drinking water. Almost 70% of our skin consists of water, with a minimum of two liters of drinking water a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.
  11. Best to avoid oily cosmetics. we face will naturally produce oil, even though dry skin. So avoid as much as possible to avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the media causes acne bacteria to settle on our faces.
  12. Customize your cosmetics with skin types. If your oily skin then use cosmetics for oily skin, if the cosmetics you are using does not match your skin type .. acne will soon come to your facial skin. So be careful in selecting cosmetics.
  13. Use skin moisturizer. Using a moisturizer will help heal our skin, especially from dry skin and pecah2. However moisturizer does not always mean that greasy moisturizer .. now many products are water-based cosmetics.
  14. Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm places.
  15. Always make sure your skin clean before go to bed. Always wash your face before going to sleep well in order to regenerate the skin.

Pure Water For Health Benefits

Drinking plain water with the correct method to purify the human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as aematopaises. That mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, a fact not denied,
like the theory that new fresh blood is produced by mucousal fold. When the colon is clean, then the nutritional foods eaten several times a day will be absorbed and to work mucousal fold, nutritional food is converted into new blood.

Blood is the most important thing in curing disease and restoring health, and therefore the water should be consumed regularly.

How to Perform this Water Therapy?

In the morning when you just got up (even without first brushing your teeth) drink 1.5 liters of water, 5 to 6 glasses. Better premeasure 1.5 liter. Know that our ancestors termed this therapy as "Usha paana Chikitsa".

After that you should wash your face. It is very important to know that do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. It has also been examined closely, that should not drink alcohol the night before. If necessary, use water that has been boiled or filtered water.

Is it possible to drink 1.5 liters of water at one time?

To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but will gradually get used to it. At first, when exercising, you may drink four glasses first and the remaining 2 cups drunk two minutes later. Initially you will urinate two to three times an hour, but after a while, will return to normal. According to the research and experience, the following diseases known to be cured with this therapy, in time as written below:

Constipation - 1 Day
Lung tuberculosis - 3 Months
Diabetes - 7 Days
Uric acid - 2 Days
Blood Pressure - 4 Weeks
Cancer - 4 Weeks

It is recommended that patients with arthritis / joint pain and rheumatism implement this therapy three times a day, morning, noon, and night-an hour before meals for one week, then twice daily until healed.

We plead with you, the method above to read and practiced carefully. Spread this message to friends, relatives and neighbors as this is a gift to humanity. With the grace of God, every person should live a healthy life

Tips | How to Relieve Stress at the Office

STRESS good for health because of stress, urge someone to compete with (of course, healthy competition) and more introspective. If stress levels are already above your ability, release the right way. Do not let us go drifting in the situation. Remove all fatigue is a way to comfort ourselves.

There are a few tips to relieve stress while we were working, here are a few tips from eHow.
  • Take a deep breath
As you inhale, your rib cage and abdomen to thrive, so you will be more relaxed. Throw the breath slowly. Do this repeatedly until we feel more relaxed.
  • Pull up stakes
Look for a new atmosphere in the new place. Go away from your office chair, if only to walk to fetch water to drink or go to the canteen to buy snacks. This activity can help you refresh your mind that we can refocus on the task.
  • Laugh
Read one book to your favorite joke or laugh to excite tensions. Or spend a little time to browse and search for articles that can make us laugh or smile.
  • Playing Games
You can play with the kind of game that can release the fatigue of mind, like a mini-basketball hoop in between the time worked. For the sake of a fresh mind, you can buy and put in the work space.
  • Relax
Close your eyes and listen to soothing music. But do not listen to music that will make us worse off ... Hehehehe
  • Imagination
Visualize yourself relaxing in your favorite vacation spot or completing a big presentation with ease., Even if only imagined, but it can make us more passionate in their work.

Tips | Healthy Lifestyle

Health problems can occur anytime, especially if we are unaware of the symptoms and causes. Without we realize the lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns is the main factor.

Although there are other causes that can not be avoided, such as genetic factors, environmental pollution.
To stay healthy, there are many ways to get it. One of them, follow these seven tactics and get a better quality of life:

  • Clean air.
To avoid respiratory problems, Smell the clean air and healthy. The trick? Not need to find the mountain air, the morning air was very good for your lungs. Also avoid too polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean the house and work space regularly, including furniture, fan and AC.
  • Drink plenty of water
White Water is the best of any other drinks. Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. These habits will help maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. Strive to drink warm water at night and cool water (not ice water) in the daytime. Add a little lemon or lime. Apart from good to freshen up, drink it while helping remove toxins from the body.
  • Consumption of nutritious and balanced menu
Select menu with adequate nutrition, balanced and varied. Expand the consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs fiber. Avoid junk foods and processed foods, and eat less salt and sugar. One more thing, do not forget breakfast! Because breakfast can support our activities throughout the day.
  • Balance between work, exercise and rest
Working hard without a break had nothing in it for you. Make a habit of regular 7-8 hour break at night, and do not often stay up or sleep too much tonight. Try to use free time to exercise lightly or just relax the muscles in the joints.
By exercising 2-3 times per week, for 30-45 minutes, enough to make the body fit and excellent stamina.
  • Control brains work
The brain, like our bodies, he also needed a break. Do not get too give too much weight, because the brain has a limited memory. Do the activities in his spare time that makes the brain work more relaxed, say doing an enjoyable hobby, like painting, reading the latest novel or just listening to music.
  • Live a life in harmony
Is a microcosm of human nature as a macrocosm must comply if he wants to stay healthy. Do all of that as a preventive effort to always remember the sage advice to "make a well before thirst arises."

Use common sense! That's the key, do not sacrifice the pleasure of living with self-comply by bad living habits and at risk. For example, drinking, smoking or using illegal drugs. Try to live in harmony, as much as possible minimize the risk of emotional or psychological stress.
  • Use of nutritional supplements
Only if necessary! Our bodies need antioxidants (beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. All these substances are needed by the body to enhance vitality and extend life expectancy. To get a lot of ways that can be done.
In addition to fresh foods, could also be a way to consume health supplements sold in the market. Instead, the use of dietary supplements is more recommended as an alternative therapy course with emphasis on type of dietary supplement that has been researched and useful.

10 Most Extreme Body Treatment

Spa is a favorite choice of urban relaxation. Pampering ritual involves the element of this water continues to grow with a variety of interesting variations to appeal to consumers.

You probably never thought that the horse, cactus, snakes, and fish, a variant which can lead to interesting spa relaxation effects. Many ways how to pamper themselves with extreme you've probably never felt.

10 Most Extreme Body Treatment

  • Massage Cactus

Relaxation on the 'Hakali Massage' at the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita in Mexico to provide massage services by using the cactus. Massage using a mixture of grains that have no thorns cactus, cactus flower, pulque, an alcohol made from agave plants. The skin will be gently massaged. This treatment is beneficial release toxins in the body and refreshes the skin.

  • Snake Massage

A home spa in Talmei Elazar, Israel, has a special massage at once horrific standards. Carnivorous Plant Farm in the spa, there is a therapist, named Ida Barak. He uses a snake to overcome her sore in the muscles and create relaxation.

Snakes used are non poisonous snakes California and Florida king snake. The snakes will be crawling on the back to eliminate aches.

  • Gold Facial

Facial beauty of gold to maintain her skin, Cleopatra is said to sleep using a gold mask every night.

Egyptian Queen-style spa treatments are using 24 carat gold shaped like a thin sheet of paper. Gold leaf is then applied as a mask to his face. Moisturizing effect produced is believed will make the skin brighter and chewy.

  • Fish pedicure

A fish pedicure treatment which includes the popular hard enough. Usually use fish species Garra Ruffa originating from the town of Kangal in Turkey.

These fish have no teeth and the food is dead human skin cells. Able to address skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. Pedicure by fish could become a trend in European countries, even Indonesia.

  • Butt facial
Facial not only for the face, but also the buttocks. A home spa in Detroit, United States, called Euphoria, providing services to the buttocks facials. "We always try to realize the different ideas, including in areas of the body that never get treatment," said Lisa Johnson, owner of a spa, as quoted from page Oddee.

Exfoliate the treatment is done with a mask and followed by giving hair removal, if necessary. Ends with paraffin treatment delivery. "Many clients are initially uncomfortable, but after treatment they feel satisfied," she said.

  • Reiki by horse
Reiki is a Japanese concept of traditional medicine, which focuses on the belief that healing energy will flow from the healer to the patient. Reiki can improve the imbalance in both body and soul.

Usually healers are a therapist. But ranchers who have the Rockin Heart Reiki Master certificate, Christina Di Bartolo, believes that horses have an innate healing energy. He is doing the healing with horses media. He mounted a horse to guide patients to alleviate the energy drain of physical and emotional pain.

  • Gondola Massage

Casanova Spa massage in a gondola, precisely at the Hotel Cipriani in Venice, Italy, a search of relaxation can not go far, can enjoy a massage directly on the gondola.

In addition to relaxation massage therapists feel the choice, consumers can also enjoy the beauty of Venice with gondolas.

This special service conducted privately in one of the Venetian lagoon. To protect the skin, this massage treatment uses a special oil that contains SPF.

  • Wine bath

Located in Kowakien Yunessun, the largest and most popular spa centers in Japan, has the most preferred treatment and is only done once a year. Namely bath with wine. Thousands of gallons of Beaujolais Nouveau, the most popular wine in Japan, used for 12 days to be enjoyed by the guests.

In recent years, the Japanese wine lovers have the opportunity to drink at once bathed in fluid that is their choice. Constantly swimming in red wines through wine bottles filled with giants, while the guests also enjoy the wine is poured into the glass.

  • Antisauna Snow Cave

Anti sauna room is the perfect place to cool off after the sauna. An artificial snow storm created in the room to get the impression of a desert of snow.

People believed that the injection of the extreme cold temperatures, especially after a soak in warm water or sauna can help reduce hypertension and shrink pores. This treatment is available at Butlins Ocean Spa, located in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, England.

Facelift with beer
Beer has a healing effect and can make your face tighter. Vitamins in beer can said to rejuvenate the pores and relieve tension in muscles, and to give effect to the face fresh and glowing.

Increase Stamina With Fruits

Maintain a healthy body is actually very easy, but not sedik people who feel do not have much time to do things that may help boost stamina, people prefer to supplement or in vitamin that can increase their stamina, but for those who have much free time, consume fruits will naturally be better than medication or supplement that cost is not cheap.
Increase Stamina With Fruits
1. Aloe Vera (Aloe vera L.)
To smooth the skin, combating acne, black spots, nourish and strengthen hair, increase endurance, headaches, dizziness, and others. Lignin contained in aloe vera gel can seep into the skin and resist the loss of body fluids from the skin surface, thus the skin does not dry quickly and maintained the humidity.

2. Avocados (Persea gratissima Gaertn.)
Avocados are nutritious moisturizing dry skin, sores, and lower cholesterol (origin not wear sugar / honey / milk). Fat content of avocados are excellent for facial skin care, especially dry skin.

3. Temu lawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)
Improve stamina, acne, gastric and liver disorders, menstrual disorders, anemia, and others. Rhizome of ginger contains curcumin which serves as an antiinflammatory, hepatoprotective (protects the liver from damage), and antibacterial.

4. Kiwi (Actinidia chinensis)
Improve stamina, prevent cancer, skin care, accelerate healing, and others. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C which is very high, so both as antioxidants and increase endurance.

5. Morinda citrifolia L.
Improve stamina, high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, skin softener, dandruff, prevents cancer, and others. Containing damnachanthal that serves as anticancer. Containing turpentine which function in cell rejuvenation.

6. Carrot (Daucus carota)
For eye health, skin inflammation, prevent cancer, improve stamina, lower cholesterol, prevent heavy metal poisoning, and others. Contain beta-carotene efficacious as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals, and improve health.

7. Paniculata (Andrographis paniculata)
As an anti-inflammatory, acne, hepatitis, diabetes, bronchitis, leucorrhoea, fever, influenza, increase endurance, and others.

8. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica Urb.)
Improve memory, increase stamina, skin inflammation, fever, insomnia, bronchitis, coughing blood, lung spots, and others contain Asiaticoside, Asiatic acid and madecassic acid which can accelerate the formation of collagen which played a role in wound healing process.

9. God leaves (Gynura pseudo-china)
Menstrual disorders, cysts, increase blood circulation, high cholesterol, hypertension, prevent tumors, and others.

10. Kaempferia galanga (Kaempferia galanga)
Improve stamina, bad breath, coughs, colds, flatulence, painful menstruation, and others. Ethyl-p-component at metoksisinam contained in kencur have the effect of volatile oil protects the skin.

Tips Caring for Eye Health

Tips Caring for Eye HealthEyes are the senses important to us, because if nobody's eyes ... we will not be able to lead a good life (for example, can you think of yourself ...), so take care of your eyes. But sometimes there are some people who do not care about the health of his eyes, and finally fitting myopic eyes with a sense of regret and forced to wear glasses, especially if the blind ..... wow, Its the gravity!

Tips Caring for Eye Health
Therefore I`ll give you tips on how to maintain the health of our eyes. Ok we discussed the topic immediately wrote that I did not make myself get on the internet alias after searching in various forums and blogs (hehehe. .. I do not understand about the expert eye):
  1. Check your eyes every 12 months. Vision problems are not treated will grow more severe, and wearing contact lenses or glasses are no longer suitable for you can cause vision problems and headaches.
  2. In summer, wear glasses UV rays can create serious damage to eyes. Good sunglasses can prevent this. When buying sunglasses, make sure that can reflect at least 98% of UV radiation.
  3. Eat good nutrition for you and your eyes. Recent studies show that antioxidant vitamins and groups can prevent, or at least slow the growth of cataracts and macular degeneration. Good nutrition for the body is also good for the eyes.
  4. If you read or work using a computer, make sure the light is right. Working with minimal light can cause eye fatigue, but the light is too bright not too good. Direction of the best light if it works using a computer is from the soft light table lamp from the side. Reduce levels of light (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eyes will be more comfortable.
  5. Rest your eyes. Almost all people feel their eyes become uncomfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blinks 25% less than normal, causing dry eye. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. Another was turned away from the monitor and focus on a distant object, as often as possible.
  6. Find a contact lens with good quality. Not all contact lenses the same. There are safe for your eyes, and there are also at risk of eye damage. To view the references about contact lenses at: ( Know what's on offer modern contact lens industry will help to make wise choices, not simply follow what the doctor says.
  7. If you wear contact lenses, treat well. Contact lenses are not so troublesome, but you also can not ignore it clean. Each time will be put on or remove your contact lenses, rinse. You also need to replace the fluids, when you put in place when you sleep at night.
  8. Wear contact lenses according to the recommended schedule. There are people who intend to save by wearing contact lenses longer than intended. This is not a good thing. Although the quality of the lenses will not decrease, the pile of protein can obscure your vision. Another thing to consider is, the longer you wear your contact lenses, the higher your risk of eye infection.
Hopefully with this info you can better maintain the health of your eyes, and your eyes can be prevented from the disease.

10 Ways To Maintain Good Health

10 Ways To Maintain Good HealthMaintaining health is important but sometimes we often forget the small things that can damage the health of us. Here we will give you 10 tips to maintain our health.
  1. Bed early and sleep well : The fact that sleep occupies one third of your daily life means very important to have sufficient sleep to maintain good health. Sleep deprivation lowered immune system function. You also do not watch out and you can not concentrate properly and your efficiency decreases.
  2. Drinking enough water : Water makes up two-thirds of our body weight. Try to imagine 85% of our brain consists of water. Air regulate our body temperature and helps bowel movements. Keeping the body hydrated means that you prevent the disease from entering our body
  3. Happy : Happiness and health are complementary. Happiness is good health promotes good health and stimulate happiness. Crack jokes and laughing with friends and family at any time and they. Happiness is a spirit and positively affect your health.
  4. Managing stress : Organize your everyday life regularly to avoid stress. Learn to relax and meditate by doing yoga or Tai Chi. Is the breathing every day to make your job better lymphatic system.
  5. Exercise every day : There is no health without exercise. Life is about movement. The more you move the better for your health. vigorous exercise promotes blood circulation, sweating, detoxification and stress release.
  6. Avoid bad habits: Quit smoking and drinking enough. Smoking is not only bad for you and others and it is a dirty habit. Cigarette butts and ashes to add more trash our environment is deteriorating.
  7. Glorious Food : Foods that are most important in one day is your breakfast. After fasting all night you need food to start a new day with enthusiasm and energy. Balanced diet means eating a variety of foods; more important to consume fruits and vegetables added. Avoid foods and preserved foods with preservatives added. This is the junk food with little nutritional value or none. Eat less at each meal but more often at regular intervals to train your digestive system when to expect food and burn calories.
  8. Enjoy life every day: a full life and enjoy life now. Be the first to notice what you do every day. Do not go through life mechanically as eating, dressing and driving while your mind is elsewhere. Slow down to appreciate every moment in life.
  9. purpose in life : Do you find emptiness in life, drifting aimlessly with nothing to look ahead in life? Set goals in life to avoid despair and depression. With your destination alive with hope and expectation.
  10. Positive mental attitude : A positive mindset to promote positive emotions. Positive emotions like joy and confidence to improve the welfare and enhance good health. Develop the mind of love, faith and joy to enhance good health.

Tips Maintain Healthy Eyes Of Radiation Monitor

Computers and other equipment, such as monitors, have become ordinary goods in any office work. It is not strange if many people have to work in front of the monitor all day long. At first we might be a little worried about the effect of the computer and the monitor light emitted radiation can disrupt the body's health, especially the eyes. However, experts do not ever give up any equipment to create an increasingly friendly to the environment and health.

Tips  Maintain Healthy Eyes Of Radiation Monitor
Still, working too long in front of the monitor screen still can affect health, such as eye fatigue, back pain, shoulder and neck. Here are some tips to overcome fatigue and eye strain when working in front of the monitor. Hopefully we can keep the gift of the eye that remains, though have worked on for hours.

1-Work in a fairly light room.

Notice the lighting in your workspace. Do not work in the room is too bright and dazzling. Use blinds to adjust light from the window. Place the lamp on the head. Avoid staring at the light you directly. Conversely, do not also work indoors are too dark or dim. Try to keep your room bright enough so that your eyes do not work too hard.

2-Use filters monitor.

To reduce the blinding rays and radiation emitted by the monitor screen, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and can reduce the influence of radiation, not just dim the light of the monitor.

3-Check your monitor.

Check if your monitor is still working properly? Compare with other monitors. When a picture is looking increasingly dim, flickering or uncomfortable for your eyes, then it's time to repair or replace the monitor. Better to replace the monitor rather than letting your eyes troubled. Frequently monitor clean of dust and dirt that interfere with the display.

4-Put the paper work can be read.

If you must work with a copy or read the paper work, then put the paper work is in balance with the distance of your monitor. This is so that you do not need to go back and forth to focus the view to read your paper work, after reading on the monitor screen.

Note the five-position monitors.

Place the monitor screen so that an angle between 10-15 degrees from the straight line with your views. This is in addition to avoid tiring your eyes, also keep your shoulders and your neck comfortable enough to work.

5-Work with "font" that is big enough.

If you must edit the writing on the front of the computer, make sure the size or "font" you use big enough. Do not force your eyes to read small letters on the monitor. Your eye is not a microscope for the writings of the screen. Use the facilities for a large increase or adjust the display picture on your monitor. When you've finished editing or reading it, you can return the font to its original position.

6-rest your eyes.

Relax your eye. Close or Blink. Do your eyes checked. However, frequently flashing. It can reduce tension and keep your eyes stay moist and cool. If you are too old to see at close range, you look away toward the distant. Do this for several minutes every 30 minutes.

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